
My lab is interested in the functional role of cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix interactions in the control of cell proliferation, cell migration, cell differentiation and cell death in development, maintenance, disease and repair of the nervous system.

Neuron-Glia Interactions in Health and Disease

We follow a functional approach that is aimed at understanding the interactions between neurons and glia cells in development, homeostasis, regeneration and disease. We focus, in particular, on one of the most intriguing cellular specialization in vertebrates, Myelination, and its associated devastating diseases that include Neuropathies and Multiple Sclerosis.

Neural Stem Cell Biology in Health and Disease

Our second main interest is in Neural Stem Cells. We are investigating early events starting with the forming neural crest in peripheral nerve development at the cellular and molecular levels, in particular, the processes underlying the differentiation of a multi-potential neural crest stem cell into various cell types.

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